Thursday, November 29, 2007

Charis Camp


Charis is located near Chilliwack B.C. It is surrounded by lush greenery and small waterfalls. Our first week here was a week of sessions with Jodie Smith. She talked to us about the Old Testament. Our final class with her was building an alter to God. We were each to gather a stone and bring it to the group when we added it to the pile we were supposed to share one thing that God was showing us. For some it was beauty, others it was worth, still others were realizing just how important making God a priority is.
Another really sweet thing Jodie challenged us to do was to write a psalm to God. For some this was a completely new experience for others this was something they had done many times before. So we all ventured a hand at writing a psalm.
For me this was very powerful because words are one of the strongest ways I communicate. Writing allows me to express my thoughts in such a way that it brings me peace and I can go back and reflect upon what I was thinking and feeling at a specific time. It is especially helpful to me in my conversations with God because then I can look back and see his hand upon my life, shaping me, challenging me, and molding me into his image.
We came back to Charis two weeks later and were joined by sites 1&2 for sessions. Our Speakers were Nathan Reiger and Craig Ginn. Craig talked to us about Old Testament history and how to read out of scripture instead of into scripture. Taking it in context.
Nathan shared with us many stories from his life as a pastor at Winnipeg’s Vineyard church (where we stayed for Urban Plunge). He was speaking to us about idols in our lives. He talked to us about how when we experience great hurt in our lives and replace God with idols how we freeze up in layers like a river. He went on to say how we need to be surrounded by enough love to thaw, but even thawing can be a somewhat gradual process and it isn’t always pretty, but if a person continues to be surrounded by enough love then we can completely experience life again.
I know for me personally Outtatown has been a place with enough love to start healing and thawing in my life. God keeps putting circumstances in my life where I am challenged to grow and deal with specific issues. Along the way though he makes sure to place people to love, protect, and hold me accountable as I work through life. It is so humbling to realize again and again just how passionately the God of the universe loves me a wretched sinner.
Joel 2:12-14
“Even now-
This is the Lord’s declaration-
turn to Me with all your heart,
with fasting, weeping,
and mourning.
Tear your hearts,
not just your clothes,
and return to the Lord your God,
For he is gracious
and compassionate,
slow to anger,
rich in faithful love,
and he relents
from sending disaster,
Who knows? He may turn
and relent
and leave a blessing
behind Him,
so you can offer grain and wine
to the Lord your God.”
The grace of God is such a powerful concept especially when we acknowledge how completely undeserving we are and how holy God is.
Praise God for all that he is and all that he has done for us. Blessed be his holy name.
---Brittany Abrahamson

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