Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bloukrans Bridge, South Africa
Feb 21, 2008

The "before" shot, the group nervously poses.

“Been there, jumped that!” Now a common phrase you will see plastered on souvenir clothing purchased by some adrenaline-rushed site 3ers!
Six weeks into the second semester and 26 brave souls took the plunge. Down, down, down, all 216m (709 feet), of the highest bungee jump in all the world. Despite the fear of heights being present for many, it stopped few. With chest harness on, we crept along a grated walkway, where once we arrived to the middle of the bridge our names were randomly selected. With the music loud and the energy high, I heard my name called! After catching my heart which had suddenly sunk, I was strapped up, helped to the edge as the countdown “5-4-3-2-1 Bungee” was cheered by my team and with arms extended, gravity took hold.
It’s an indescribable feeling as you are falling. A weightless, carefree, terrifying feeling. And being left dangling from your ankles for a few moments waiting to be retrieved was anything but boring. Once you reach the top you just want to do it all over again!
Submitted by Tiffany Dyck.

There's nothing like the support of cheering from your friends as you jump!

Ryan and Rebekah let some of their true colours and true emotions shine through!

Rachel and Megan weighing the options wondering if this is really a good idea after all!

Is it a bird, is it a plane... or is it Johnny the fearless leader in a Superman Costume?
Dana opts for the backwards jump for her second time around.


Aimee said...

Hi Tiff!!!! Your favourite big sister here! Glad to see that you are still cute as ever, I love the picture of you before the big jump! Love you soooooooo much. Say hi to Justin too.

Anonymous said...

atta boy Ryan!!!! oh and I love the Superman costume...its perfect! hehe

Ray Braun