In the past few weeks, God has opened my eyes to the beauty of his creation like never before. Coming from the city, my eyes usually see the brokenness that people have caused by the destruction of nature for economic purposes. Seeing creation undisturbed by people has been an amazing experience, in which God has really revealed himself to me.
I remember the sunset the first evening on the shores of Shuswap Lake. The water was calm and reflected the pink, purple, yellow, and blue sky. As the vast mountains and rolling hills illustrated the very real power and might of God. It was as if God was looking down on us with a great smile embracing us as his children. Never had creation felt more real to me than at that moment. As children of God it is important that we respect what God has made and care for it. God made this world for us, and he sculpted it beautifully.
The next time you see the sheer beauty of creation, be still, embrace it, listen to it, and thank God for making it. As much as God wants us to take pictures, paint landscapes, and describe the awesome things we see, thank Him for it. Let it be an act of worship, but remember that God’s most beautiful creation is people, and he loves us more than anything else in this world.
By Ryan Braun
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