Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Kayamundi, South Africa
Feb. 24-March 1, 2008
This week we spent time in the township Kayimundi, located in Stellenbosch. Our groups were sent out with a guide who lived in the neighbourhood to find a project that we could come up with to help out with over the course of the week.
My group stared off the week a little rocky we were having a hard time trying to find a need in the community that we could help out with. We spent time praying that God would set us up with the right project. In the end we were blessed by building a new roof for a single mom and her three children. This was a perfect project for us as we were able to use our gifts and talents to serve God and this woman. At the end of the project the woman had a nice new shiny tin roof that didn’t leak into her home, and we were able to bless her in many ways and she also blessed us by praying for us.
The last day we spent with her was amazing, she was so grateful and you could see the joy in her face. We not only were able to bless her but many in the community were encouraged by what we were doing and many times we were approached by complete strangers on the street that had seen what we were doing and they thanked us for giving hope to the community. So what started as a rocky week turned out to be a week where we were able to use our talents to bless the community of Kayamandi.
Submitted by Brent Smeenk.

Brent spent most of the day clmibing around ontop of the roof and put his carpentry skills to work.
Here Rebekah gives the thumbs up to a nice sunny day, a great day to fix a roof!
Brittany passes another support beam up to secure the tin on.

Brent and one of the neighbour boys put the finishing touches on the roof of the home L91 (Section L shack number 91).

Here Mma stands in the doorway of her home with a big smile after the roof has been completed.
One group worked on a roof of a different sort at the base in the township.

1 comment:

Len said...

Hi Looks like you've done that before, Brent. Glad to see you're doing well.