Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It’s one of the best known sites in South Africa, and you can find it on everything from postcards to t-shirts: Table Mountain, which is aptly named for its characteristically flat top.
Everyone on the site dressed for the heat as we set out to hike up this beauty. I noticed in amusement how we, with our hats, beloved bandannas, clanging water-bottles and cameras swinging at our sides didn’t need a sign for anyone to know we were tourists! Several people chose to take the cable-car up to the top of the mountain, but for those of us who hiked it our spirits were almost as high as the elevation! Our initial charge gave way to heavy breathing after several minutes, as the trail consisted of large rocks that put the Stairmaster to shame.
Once I reached the summit, I felt accomplished and recharged by the view that met my eyes – outstretched below me in toy-like simplicity lay Cape Town, massive stadiums looking like mere thumb nails. The aqua waters of the ocean met strips of white sand beaches, framed in my view by the steep pillaring rock cascading downward which we had just conquered. I felt so small compared to it all, yet the awe of such great heights was washed with a calm sort of assurance, how great is our God, that he can care about EVERY person in all the dot-sized houses, that he has the might to move mountains?!
We stopped for almost an hour to rest, take pictures, and take in the view before modern technology whisked us back to the bus, in the form of a three-minute rotating cable car. How was Table Mountain? Well let’s just say that I liked it enough that I bought a post card.
Submitted by Rachel Nafziger
Megan enjoys a lunch break on the way up with a great view from the mountain.
Tiffany and Rebekah
We were thankful for a slight cloud cover and a gentle breeze as we hiked up during the hottest part of the day.
The view of Table Bay and the Cape Town Waterfront from half way up the mountain.
Taking in the scenery and a quick photo break... Libby, Jen, Dana, Kim in the back and Adrienne and Sully in the front.
Dana tries to run up the mountain, only to quickly realize maybe that's not such a smart idea after all!
Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, Kristi, Darren
Jen stops for a quick drink of water.
The path we took was a giant staircase up the side of the mountain. This is the final "flight" of stairs before the flat Table Top.
Libby, Ryan and Kim

Rachel, Sarah, Kristi

Ryan... king of the hill

Chantel, Steve and Megan at the summit.
Da Boyz at da top
The view from the top! Well worth the hike (or the optional Cable Car ride up!)
After an hour plus hike up the five minute cable car down seems like a breeze!

Hannah, Megan, Chantel, Steve
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